We’ve made a few updates to the digital handbook since it went live in late July. We’ll document any substantive or otherwise notable changes below. Other changes, such as grammatical corrections, will not be listed below.
December 9, 2021
Added a statement regarding clapping to the section about music. The handbook now says:
All musical choices used while on campus or at any school-related event (in a vehicle, presentation, etc.) are to be intentionally conservative in style and are to avoid the markers of our current corrupt culture which often finds its musical expression in rock, pop, jazz, country, rap, or hip-hop.
Clapping after sacred music numbers is acceptable as it affirms the message and shows appreciation for the messenger.
November 5, 2021
For personal communication devices for K3–grade 5 removed this sentence: “Students may wear watches having only time, date, and/or stopwatch capabilities.”
The handbook now says:
Personal Communication Devices (cell phones, smartphones, smart watches, etc.)
- K3–grade 5: Device should be given to the classroom teacher or left in the office until the child is leaving school for the day. Phone calls may be made from the school office.
October 24, 2021
- Clarified/updated where high school students can be in their PE attire before/after school
- From: Grades 6–12: wear uniform t-shirt and shorts that are ordered in class (optional: non-uniform black athletic pants). Students in grades 9–12 who have PE first or last hour may wear their PE attire to or from school.
- To: Grades 6–12: wear uniform t-shirt and shorts that are ordered in class (optional: non-uniform black athletic pants). Students in grades 9–12 who have PE first or last hour may wear their PE attire to or from school, being dropped off/picked up in front of the gym or Brown building, and not going to the Quadrangle.
- Added: Athletes coming from their practice or game may remain in practice/uniform shorts as spectators for athletic events.
October 8, 2021
- Updated Child Abuse/Mandatory Reporting statement to clarify that school personnel are mandatory reporters (e.g., from “administration” to “school personnel”)
- Updated non-discrimination statement
- From: Students of any race, color, or national and ethnic origin are admitted to all the rights, privileges, and activities general accorded or made available to students at Bob Jones Academy. BJA does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, or national and ethnic origin in the administration of educational policies, admission policies, athletic program, or other school-administered programs.
- To: Subject to the Constitution of the United States and all applicable state and federal laws, Bob Jones Academy does not discriminate in its employment practices or in the administration and dissemination of its programs and services.
August 24, 2021
- Added links to references of online sites or resources such as Schoolcast
- Middle school chapel days updated (are Monday and Friday)
- Water bottle policy updated from “Students may bring water (uncolored) in clear spill-proof containers into the classroom buildings.” to “Students may have water in spill-proof containers for drinking in class. Other beverages should be limited to designated lunch and snack times and areas.”