An Introduction
Thank you for being a part of the Bob Jones Academy family!
We know that you have many options for your child’s education, so we are thankful that you have chosen to partner with us. In every partnership it is important to communicate expectations as clearly as possible so all parties can be assured of a flourishing ongoing relationship. All the teachers, administrators, and staff at BJA desire an encouraging, warm relationship with our students and you, our parents. Please take your time to review the expectations we have articulated in this handbook and let us know if you have any questions or concerns. We have attempted to be brief and clear to address the main areas that need to be addressed in a school environment. We do not intend this to be an exhaustive handbook for every possible scenario, so we reserve the right to alter, add, and interpret policies at the discretion of school leadership.
One of our guiding principles is Eternity Focused. This means we are always looking at ways to help your child know, love, and serve God. Many of our policies have this spiritual foundation, but many others are simply organizational preferences designed to help us run a school efficiently and with excellence. We also recognize that this handbook is not inspired or perfect in its current state so we encourage ongoing conversations with you.
The guiding principle that we will be emphasizing this school year is Excellent. We define this to be consistently giving our best as unto the Lord, not for personal or institutional glory. This is going to be a great year together as we give our best to each other and to the watching world as unto the Lord! Thank you for valuing our partnership by taking this mutual commitment to heart and discussing these policies and procedures with your family!
For the whole BJA team,
Doug Abels (Dr. A)
Our Core Identity
A Brief History
Having developed a burden for Christian education, evangelist Bob Jones Sr. founded Bob Jones College and Bob Jones Academy in 1927 in Lynn Haven, Florida. BJA began with 47 high school students and shared many resources with the college.
Along with the college, BJA moved to Cleveland, Tennessee, in 1933, and then—with what was to become Bob Jones University—to Greenville, South Carolina, in 1947. The University established a junior high in 1952 under the leadership of Bob Jones Jr. and an elementary school in the 1970s under the direction of Bob Jones III.
In 2011 under Dr. Stephen Jones, the child development center, elementary school, junior high (renamed the middle school), and high school were consolidated into one school using the name Bob Jones Academy.
Statement of Faith and Key Position Statements
BJA is a distinctly conservative Christian school. As the pre-college program of Bob Jones University, BJA is not part of a particular church or denomination. This does not minimize, however, the importance we place on the church in the life of the believer or the importance of fundamental doctrines of the faith.
Bob Jones Academy affirms and teaches the inspiration of the Bible (both the Old and the New Testaments); the creation of man by the direct act of God; the incarnation and virgin birth of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ; His identification as the Son of God; His vicarious atonement for the sins of mankind by the shedding of His blood on the cross; the resurrection of His body from the tomb; His power to save men from sin; the new birth through the regeneration by the Holy Spirit; and the gift of eternal life by the grace of God.
Our statement of faith above highlights the core truths that we affirm as a school. Bob Jones Academy/Bob Jones University position statements on current issues are available here and frame how we set policy and operate.
Mission Statement
Bob Jones Academy exists to assist like-minded Christian parents in challenging students to love Jesus Christ, to embrace God’s truth, to exercise integrity, to pursue excellence, and to serve others.
Philosophy of Christian Education
As a distinctly Christian school, BJA is committed to the statement of faith based on the absolute truths as revealed by God in the revealed, inerrant Word of God. Beyond mere mental assent, we are also committed to building a school culture where we live out biblical principles with loving, humble transparency in the daily operations of pre-college educational life. A few important aspects of our Christian philosophy of education that relate to family-school interactions are detailed below.
- BJA and your home. We believe that the mandate for raising children in the nurture and admonition of the Lord falls to the parents. Our mission is to partner with you as the primary disciple-makers as we work together to educate and disciple your children. We never intend to take the place of the parent and strive for ongoing communication that is both timely, eternity-focused and clear.
- BJA and your church. We observe that the Bible teaches that the local church family is vital to any believer’s health and growth. Our expectation is that each BJA family be committed to regular, involvement and submission to pastoral teaching and care. BJA's standards for chapels, singing, and worship reflect institutional practices, not judgment or expectation for your church's or your own personal practices.
- BJA and your child’s discipleship. We believe that the Bible teaches that the main problem that everyone must deal with is the problem of sin in the heart. This problem does not go away because a teacher, child, or parent is a believer. Therefore, we all recognize the importance of consistent, loving, truthful discipleship at age-appropriate levels throughout BJA. Every believer is in the middle of his sanctification until he is with God in heaven so we expect students, teachers, and administration alike to need appropriate exhortation, correction, forgiveness, and love.
- BJA and academics. As image-bearers of God, students are to reflect His wisdom, creativity, and faithfulness in the pursuit of educational success. A holistic approach to growth that includes all aspects of a child’s development is what BJA teachers use to instruct, challenge, correct, and inspire students to do all for the glory of God. Accepting both limitations and talents as from God’s hand allows students to do their best as unto the Lord.
- BJA and student activities. As image-bearers of God, students are also given a wide variety of interests and abilities outside of academic pursuits. BJA works to give our students opportunities for competition, team camaraderie, peer leadership, and individual skill development in a variety of athletic, fine arts, academic and social activities. Balanced and age-appropriate options are available as appropriate for BJA as an academically rigorous and family-focused school.
Parental Support and Cooperation Agreement
Our mission statement says that BJA exists to assist parents in aspects of the training of their children. The partnership of home and school can be successful only to the degree that there is mutual understanding and cooperation in carrying out school policies.
We understand that your personal positions and preferences may differ from BJA policies. In choosing to partner with us in the education of your child we ask that you support the teachers and administration, including helping your child abide by and graciously respond to school policies and decisions. We, too, will attempt to work with you in this process of normal growth and development of your child by, as needed, giving your child reminders, clarifications, or, on occasion, corrections.
BJA’s administration reserves the right to final interpretation of policy. We welcome the opportunity to explain our policies to you on an individual basis and urge you to get clarification as needed. We reserve the right, though we will make every effort to avoid exercising it, to dismiss a student if the administration determines that there is a lack of support or cooperation by the student or parent.
We ask that a parent in each family as well as each student in grades 6–12 to read this handbook in its entirety before online check-in and to complete a Cooperation Agreement during the check-in process (K3–grade 12). You can find a copy of the Cooperation Agreement later in this handbook. This agreement is your indication that you understand and will support the policies found in this Parent-Student Handbook.
BJA operates a traditional educational program using teacher-centered instruction. Classes include Bible, English, history, math, phonics-based reading, science, and other traditionally taught classes. The high school’s college-preparatory program is designed to prepare students for competitive collegiate work.
BJA Student Workload
Our desire is for students to honor God through work and develop into eternity-focused, growing, and excellent learners. One method we use is appropriate, purposeful academic work both inside and outside the classroom. BJA desires to help students reach their full academic potential. Teachers strive to challenge students through the curricula and learning activities. We realize that students come to us with differing learning capacities. In light of this, teachers, parents, and administrators work together to meet students where they are and help them grow appropriately. In addition, we desire to provide a margin for a work-life balance between academics and life outside of school. Parents and students should exercise discernment in how they choose to fill this margin. You can read details of our general philosophy of workload at BJA in our Student Workload Whitepaper.
Homework targets are as follows. These estimates presume an average student with an average load who is attentive and diligent during class and concentrates well while doing homework.
K5—grade 8: homework assigned Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday nights (no tests on Monday or Thursday), not due after school holidays
- K5: 15 minutes of review each night
- Grades 1—2: 90 minutes per week
- Grades 3—5: 2—2.5 hours per week
- Grades 6—8: 3—5 hours per week
Grades 9—12: no tests or projects due on Thursdays or after school holidays
- Grades 9—12: 8—10 hours per week
If you find that your child spends excessive time on homework, please discuss with your child’s teacher (and an administrator if needed) so that we can work together to identify and resolve any underlying issues.
Parents can also expect the following communication from teachers.
- Tuesday: gradebooks generally up to date with grades for completed assignments
- Friday: schedule for the coming week's homework, tests, and quizzes
- K3—K5: via email
- Grades 1—5: via Seesaw
- Grades 6—12: on FACTS assignment calendar
Report Cards and Transcripts
Report cards are calculated and posted in FACTS Family Portal. Report cards for elementary students include a final grade for each quarter. Report cards for middle and high school students include a final grade at the end of each semester, with mid-term reports indicating current grades half-way through each semester. High school transcripts are posted at the end of each semester and include credits and GPAs from the student's high school classes and dual credit courses.
Our grading scale uses the following letter grades and percentage values.
A 90–100 Excellent
B 80–89 Above average
C 70–79 Average
D 60–69 Unsatisfactory
F 0–59 No credit given
I Incomplete
P Passed
Assessment for the early grades includes S (Satisfactory), U (Unsatisfactory), and N (Needs improvement).
Graduation Requirements
BJA’s graduation requirements meet or exceed the requirements of the South Carolina Department of Education for public high school students to graduate with a South Carolina high school diploma. To earn a BJA diploma, a student must
- Earn 24 high school credits:
- English—4 credits (English 9–12)
- Math—4 credits (includes Algebra I and Geometry)
- Science—3 credits (includes 1 physical and 1 biological science)
- Social studies—3 credits (includes 1 U.S. History, .5 Government, .5 Economics)
- World Language*—1 credit
- Computer science—1 credit
- Physical education—1 credit
- Electives**—7 credits [Beginning with the Class of 2027, .5 credit of Personal Finance will be required]
*BJA recommends that a college-bound student earn 2 credits in a world language.
**Includes Bible courses, which are required each semester a student is enrolled in BJA. Also includes dual enrollment opportunities at BJU—see the website or academic advisor for qualification requirements and available courses.
- Be a full-time student at BJA for his or her final two semesters.
Tuition and fees are to be paid in full before graduation.
BJA recommends that students take a college entrance exam before graduation. In addition to being a step in applying for college, it allows the student to be considered for a variety of scholarships, awards, and honors at both the college and precollege level.
Integrity is a key aspect of Christlike character. Students exhibit academic integrity by being truthful about their own academic work. We value and appreciate the partnership of parents with school in this area.
In order to avoid cheating or plagiarism a student must:
- Ask the Teacher: The student is responsible for understanding the teacher’s assignment policies and checking the use of any outside assistance with the teacher before completing an assignment. Outside assistance includes anything from peers in class to artificial intelligence (AI).
- Provide Credit: The student may not represent ideas, work, or material of someone else (including AI) as his/her original work. Outside material that is allowed by the teacher must receive proper credit.
- Understand the Purpose: The goal of assignments is to challenge students to hone skills and build on their level of understanding. Using information from another source instead of completing the assignment as directed will decrease the assignment’s ability to foster growth in the student.
Because consistent attendance is critical to learning, students are expected to arrive on time and avoid unnecessary absences.
School Hours
The regular school day begins at 8 a.m. Students enrolled in the K3–K5 half-day program are dismissed at 11:45 a.m. Students in K3–grade 5 are dismissed at 2:45 p.m., and those in grades 6–12 are dismissed at 3:10 p.m.
- Morning drop-off: 7:15–7:55
- Students may be dropped off at their building once teacher supervision is available, which is at 7:15 a.m.
- For student safety, high school students should be dropped off only from vehicles which are at the curb (not on the stadium side of the street) or in the Print Shop parking lot (the lot by the stadium and Activity Center).
- Afternoon pick-up: Students in K3–grade 8 who are not picked up during car line or shortly after an official after-school activity ends are to report to late stay. Late stay is available until 5:30 p.m. at an hourly rate to cover the cost of supervision. High school students who are still at school after 5 p.m. may be in front of the Academy Main only (or in Markham Center until 5:30 p.m.)
- K3–Grade 5 car tags: For student safety, parents are given car tags to display when picking up an elementary child after school or from late stay. If someone without a car tag will pick up a student on a particular day, please notify the office in writing and let the person know that he or she will need to provide photo identification for pickup.
- Grades 1–8 walking home: With a parent’s written permission, students may walk home to the immediate neighborhood or to their parent’s office on campus. Forms are available at the office. Students may not be anywhere on campus except with their own parent.
- Grades 6–8: Until 3:30 p.m. students should be picked up at the Middle School or the 8th grade building ("Acad Corner"). After 3:30 p.m. students are to be at Late Stay (in the Middle School) until their parent arrives. For student safety students should stay at the building until the parent arrives, not crossing car line or a street without help of an adult or crossing guard.
- 6–8 schedule
1st hour 8–8:50 a.m. (Chapel MWF, Bible TTh)
2nd hour 9–9:50 a.m.
3rd hour 10–10:50 a.m.
4th hour 11–11:50 a.m.
5th hour 12:30–1:20 p.m.
6th hour 1:25–2:15 p.m.
7th hour 2:20–3:10 p.m.
- 9–12 schedule
1st hour 8–8:50 a.m.
2nd hour 9–9:50 a.m.
3rd hour 10–10:50 a.m.
4th hour 10:55–11:45 a.m. (Chapel, growth groups, and Bible classes)
5th hour 12:30–1:20 p.m.
6th hour 1:25–2:15 p.m.
7th hour 2:20–3:10 p.m.
- 11–12 Free hours: When a student’s semester schedule includes a class period without a class assigned to it, we call that a “free hour.” This can occur when a student has a dual credit class on MWF, resulting in free hours during that class period on TTh. This can also occur when a student does not have a class scheduled during a particular class hour for the semester. Students who have a free hour may use the Markham Center, sit on the benches in the Quadrangle, or use university facilities such as the library. Permission from the office is required to go to the elementary or middle school. Students may not use free hours or lunch to run errands off campus.
- 9–12 Special events
- Junior-Senior banquet: Students in grades 11–12 are to attend.
- University’s Concert, Opera & Drama Series: optional; available at no charge
- Fall senior trip, spring mission trip, and graduation: required of seniors earning a BJA diploma (see BJA’s current fees for senior-related fees).
For purposes of record-keeping and management, absences are categorized as Excused or Unexcused in FACTS Family Portal.
In general, excused absences are either school-related or are difficult or impossible for the family to control. When they become excessive (e.g., extended illness), they are reviewed by the principal who will work with the family in identifying an appropriate solution in the particular situation.
The following situations are treated as excused absences and are handled as noted.
- Medical/dental appointments
- Parent notifies office in advance
- Verified by doctor's note submitted within 2 days of the absence
- Illness/injury
- Parent notifies office by 8:30 a.m. each day of absence
- Verified within 2 days of the student's return
- For brief, non-chronic illnesses (e.g., 24-hour flu): parent may contact a school nurse or submit a doctor's note
- For longer or chronic illnesses: parent submits a doctor's note
- A student who misses classes due to illness should not participate in extracurricular activities that day.
- Death in immediate family
- Parent notifies office as early as possible
- Parent confirms date of return when possible
- Absences approved by principal due to extreme hardship: Approval should be prearranged when possible.
- School-related absences (e.g., field trip; school athletic team trip; school suspension)
Unexcused absences generally involve more choice. Though the choice may be a good one (see below for examples), consequences result from excessive unexcused absences.
The following situations are treated as unexcused absences and are handled as noted.
- Absence for personal purposes: special circumstances such as family trip or educational opportunity
- Parent should communicate with the principal as soon as possible to coordinate the details of the absence.
- For grades 9–12, the last week of school each semester should be avoided (final exams).
- Absence of a student without the knowledge of his or her parents: also incurs significant discipline penalties
- Tardy accumulation: 5 tardies to/from school are calculated as an unexcused absence (see below).
Over the course of the school year, the following consequences apply for unexcused absences:
K5–grade 5: over the course of the school year
- At 5 days: parents notified by the office
- At 7 days: parents meet with the principal
- At 10 days: promotion is jeopardized
- At 15 days: student is withdrawn from school
Grades 6–8: over the course of the school year
- At 5 absences from one class: parents notified by the office
- At 7 absences from one class: parents meet with the principal
- At 10 absences from one class: the student is withdrawn from/does not receive credit for the class
- At an accumulation of 15 days of absences from school: student is withdrawn from school
Grades 9–12
- At 2 absences from a class during one semester: parents notified by the office
- At 3 absences from a class during one semester: parents meet with the principal
- At 5 absences from a class during one semester: the student is withdrawn from/does not receive credit for the class
- After an accumulation of 15 days of absences from school during a year: student is withdrawn from school
Tardies to/from school:
- Up to 10 minutes late to school or early pick up: labeled as tardy
- More than 10 minutes: counted as absent (K5–grade 5: half-day absence; grades 6–12, class absence).
- 5 tardies are calculated as an unexcused absence
Tardies during the school day (grades 6–12):
- Up to 10 minutes late to class
- Handled by teachers by in-class consequences and/or demerits
- 5 tardies from a class are calculated as an unexcused absence for that class.
- More than 10 minutes: counted as absent
- Arriving/leaving during the school day: The student should check in/out at the office.
- K3–K4 attendance: There are no attendance requirements for K3 or K4 students. Parents should check the student in/out at the office if they do come to school late or leave early. (We do appreciate knowing if your child will be absent.)
- Summer school (rising grades 9–12): Because the high school’s summer school condenses a full year’s coursework for one subject into a six-week period, summer school students attend every day except in the case of illness
- Dual credit courses (grades 11–12): BJU’s attendance policies apply to University classes taken by Academy students.
Students need to stay home if they have any of the following symptoms: fever of 100 degrees or higher, vomiting, frequent diarrhea, frequent cough, widespread rash, or severe headache. Students should be symptom-free (including being fever-free without fever-reducing medicine) for at least 24 hours before returning to school.
Detailed information about when to keep a student out of school and when a student may return after an illness is given in the School Illness Guidelines chart at the end of this handbook.
Inclement Weather/School Closure
When Greenville County Schools (GCS) close, delay, or have an e-learning day due to inclement weather, we do likewise on the initial day unless there is a compelling reason to do otherwise. Of course parents should always assess conditions in their own areas and determine if it is safe to travel—whether or not BJA or GCS have closed.
We communicate closure or delay through our Facebook page and local media (WYFF 4 and Fox Carolina 21). We also communicate it directly to our families using the rapid-alert messaging system which is part of FACTS SIS; parents should keep their contact information updated in FACTS Parent Portal.
School Uniforms
Our uniform policy was created to provide families with quality, classic options to promote a focused and functional campus environment. Uniform items required to be from Land’s End must also be logoed through Land’s End.
See our Uniform Purchase Guide for uniform options and policies.
Students not in uniform may be sent home; missed days or class periods are considered unexcused absences.
Specific dress guidelines for special days and official BJA groups (e.g., athletic teams, performers in school concerts) will be communicated as needed.
The following guidelines help you know general dress expectations for after-class activities on campus, when various types of activity/contexts influence appropriateness. We communicate any special expectations for events before the event.
- Business Casual Attire (afternoon/evening musical concerts; any school event on campus besides athletic events)
- Young Men
- Collared shirt
- Khaki or chino pants
- Belt, crew socks, and casual or athletic shoes
- Hooded or crewneck sweatshirt
- School uniforms may also be worn.
- Young Ladies*
- Dress or top
- Khaki, cotton, or synthetic material pants (two inches above the ankle or longer)
- Dressy t-shirts free of writing or graphics
- Casual or athletic shoes
- Hooded or crewneck sweatshirt
- School uniforms may also be worn.
- Items not included in business casual: sweatpants or athletic pants, jeans, shorts, leggings, non-uniform hooded sweatshirts, shower shoes, Crocs, hats, camouflage
- Young Men
- Formal Attire (BJU Concert, Opera, & Drama Series; Jr-Sr Banquet)
- Young Men
- Coat and tie with a button-up shirt and dress pants (avoiding khaki or denim fabric)
- Dress shoes with socks
- Young Ladies*
- Dress
- Dressy skirt and top
- Dress shoes
- Young Men
- Casual Attire (spectating at athletic events, school workdays, certain field trips, Christmas Celebration)
- Young Men
- Jeans or athletic pants (loose-fitting)
- Shorts (within two inches of the knee)
- T-shirt
- Hooded or crewneck sweatshirt
- Young Ladies*
- Jeans or athletic pants (loose-fitting)
- Shorts (within two inches of the knee)
- T-shirt
- Hooded or crewneck sweatshirt
- Young Men
- Athletic Attire (sports practices; Spirit Week activities; using fitness/athletic facilities on campus)
- Shorts (within two inches of the knee), t-shirts with sleeves, athletic shoes
For athletic activities, student spectators may use the gym locker room to change into after-class attire. Athletes changing for practices and games will have priority.
Athletes coming from their practice or game may remain in practice/uniform shorts as spectators for athletic events.
*Tops for young ladies should be high enough and long enough to be modest (e.g., no cleavage or midriff showing; no crop tops). Sleeveless tops must cover to the edge of the shoulder where a normal sleeve begins. Dresses/skirts should touch the kneecap. Pants should be well-fitting but not tight. Undergarments should not be visible.
Students are welcome to accessorize in ways that avoid distraction or drawing undo attention to oneself.
- Hats/hoods: suitable only outside the buildings (except for specific occasions and at athletic events)
- Young men: Finger rings, wristbands, and a single necklace under a shirt are suitable. Students are not to get any henna, body art, or tattoos (permanent or temporary). Earrings and other piercings are not suitable.
- Young ladies: Students are not to get any henna, body art, tattoos (permanent or temporary) or piercings other than in the ear. Bars or gauges in the ear are not suitable.
- Leggings may be worn under skirts or PE shorts.
Hair should be neat and professional.
- Young ladies: Hair should be neat and professional, a natural color, and a distinctly feminine style. Shaved styles are not suitable.
- Young men: Hair should be neat and professional:
- One natural color and masculine style
- Off the collar, ears, and eyebrows
- Sideburns no lower than the bottom of the ear
- Clean shaven
- Manbuns, ponytails, and mullets are not suitable.
Attire should be clean, in good condition, and sized to fit.
We reserve the right to approve any alteration or adjustment made on a uniform garment as well as to determine the appropriateness of any non-uniform garment, accessory, hair style/cut, etc.
Discipline is an expected part of the learning process as young minds and hearts are nurtured into physical and spiritual maturity. We take seriously our partnership with our school parents in this endeavor and therefore communicate any discipline situation in a timely manner and ask for parental involvement and support.
A vast majority of all discipline is handled by the individual classroom teacher using age-appropriate methods to de-escalate conflict and protect an effective learning environment for all students. We encourage your direct discussion and feedback on these methods with your child’s teachers, especially if questions arise. Teachers will communicate with parents about patterns of behavior so we can partner together to better support your child’s learning and success.
When a situation warrants an escalated intervention beyond the classroom, a principal (grades K3–5) or Support Committee (grades 6–8, grades 9–12) will communicate and collaborate with parents, creating a path forward to address the issue.
The Support Committees, consisting of grade level teachers and staff, enforce handbook policies, receive appeals, and manage interventions including suspensions, probations, behavior contracts, loss of eligibility and follow-up support meetings. Principals review disciplinary decisions and make the final decision in the rare case of expulsion.
Review the 1–5 Discipline Overview and 6–12 Discipline Overview for additional details.
Due to South Carolina Department of Social Services regulations, parents of K3 and K4 students will annually complete a statement of cooperation with the school’s discipline policies.
Our partnership with parents is critical in the area of technology.
- K3–grade 5: Device should be given to the classroom teacher or left in the office until the child is leaving school for the day. Phone calls may be made from the school office. Smart watches may be used as timepieces only.
- Grades 6–8: Devices are to be stored in the student’s locker (in the student’s backpack during early and late stay); with permission may be used in the school office. Smart watches may be used as timepieces only.
- Grades 9–12: Devices may be carried by the student and may be used before 8 a.m. and after 3:10 p.m., as well as with specific permission from a teacher or staff member. During other times devices must be out of sight. Smart watches may be used as timepieces only.
Google Classroom Accounts (grades 6–12)
Students ages 13 and above receive Google Classroom accounts which include email ( Parents of students who are under 13 give their permission before accounts are created for the student. A student should not share his username and password with anyone except parents.
School email should be checked regularly.
Technical help (e.g., forgotten password, locked account) is available during posted hours at school in office H-8 or by calling (864) 370-1800 ext. 3880 (hours listed here). Students need to know their student ID number to prove their identity when requesting support over the phone.
School-Issued Laptops (grades 9–12)
BJA provides a laptop and charger to each full-time student in grades 9–12. The same laptop will be reissued to the student each year until graduation.
Students should:
- responsibly care for the equipment loaned to them,
- use the equipment for educational purposes only,
- obey copyright laws, license agreements, etc. on software and files on the computer,
- refrain from modifying the device and its software or attempting to “hack” or bypass the network or filter,
- refrain from accessing, storing, or disseminating any inappropriate material (includes, but is not limited to, any slanderous, sensual, worldly, sacrilegious or obscene content).
BJA provides accountability and protection on the BJA network through AristotleK12, which attempts to block and monitor inappropriate websites. If an inappropriate search or content is detected, the student and parents will be notified as soon as possible.
A student who willfully disregards proper technology use will face disciplinary consequences which include, but are not limited to, a warning, restricted use of the laptop, and demerits.
Parents are responsible for any costs associated with damage to their student's laptop or accessory. To help protect from damage, the student should:
- keep it away from food or drink,
- keep it free from decoration (e.g., stickers or drawings),
- protect it from extended exposure to extreme heat or cold, direct sunlight, or ultraviolet light,
- carefully insert or remove cords and cables, and
- avoid deleting folders or files that you didn't add (which may be system files that allow the laptop to function properly).
Costs for replacement (as of July 2024; subject to change):
- Laptop (prorated)
- Year 1: $725
- Year 2: $483
- Year 3: $242
- Year 4: $100
- Charger: $10
- Case or sleeve: $12
Information and Procedures
Athletic Events
Fans and players show respect for the officials, competitors, and other fans, as a means of displaying a love for God and others in all that is communicated on and off the field or court.
- Students in K3–grade 8 who are attending academy or university games should be supervised by an adult or by a sibling who is at least 16 years old.
- Students in grades 9–12 may use the Academy Gym during scheduled classes and for other official activities. They may be in the Davis Field House during scheduled times and when attending or competing in a scheduled athletic event.
Bible Versions
In class and chapel we use the King James Version, New King James Version, New American Standard Bible, and English Standard Bible.
Communication Tools
In addition to pre-planned and as-needed face-to-face meetings, these tools support communication with families.
- BJA website: Our website includes links to FACTS Family Portal, a school calendar, and a wide variety of other important resources for our families. Faculty and staff photos and email addresses are also available from the website.
- FACTS Family Portal: In FACTS Family Portal you can find your student’s grades, attendance/discipline reports, billing, collection of tuition and fees, applications for needs-based scholarships, and more.
- Logging in: BJA's District Code is BJA-SC; retrieve a forgotten password from the login page and a forgotten username by contacting a school office.
- Receiving rapid-alert messages (e.g., school closure because of snow): keep your contact information updated in FACTS.
- The Lion's Roar: During the school year the central office emails a weekly newsletter, The Lion's Roar, to families as well as to students in grades 6–12. The newsletter highlights important current information and upcoming events as well as shares recent news.
- Friday Folders (K3–5): The Friday Folder includes the elementary student’s graded assignments for the week as well as other pertinent information. Party invitations may also be included—this helps families in communication with others in the child’s class while also protecting privacy. Teachers also email parents a weekly classroom newsletter.
Class Parties/Field Trips (K3–5)
Each elementary classroom holds various parties throughout the year. Parents are welcome to send treats in honor of a child’s birthday—please coordinate with the teacher if you plan to do so. If you are interested in sponsoring or leading other types of school parties or events, please coordinate with a teacher or administrator.
Parents are invited to volunteer to be chaperons for elementary field trips. Classroom teachers coordinate and determine responsibilities of parent chaperons. At least two weeks ahead of the trip, parent chaperons must complete volunteer paperwork which includes a background check.
Eligibility Requirements for Extracurricular Opportunities (6–12)
Participation in student programs is a privilege, and we design activities to help our students explore their interests, build relationships, and prepare for service to the Lord. Athletic teams, student leadership roles, and other student clubs multiply the overall experience of Bob Jones Academy but should not take precedence over a student's progress in academic subjects.
For this reason we reserve the right to determine a student's eligibility and will intervene when academic or behavioral performance suffers. The principal is the final say for all eligibility and will partner with parents and students to encourage student success in and outside the classroom.
As part of good stewardship, students are to treat buildings and equipment with care. For example:
- Students should use the sidewalks or gravel paths, avoiding taking short-cuts across the grass.
- Gum may not be chewed in any class, chapel, or program.
- Students may have water in spill-proof containers for drinking in class. Other beverages should be limited to designated lunch and snack times and areas.
For your review here is our annual Asbestos and School Buildings AHERA Public Notice.
Flag Raising (9–12)
Students meet in the Quadrangle on designated days—weather permitting—to participate in a flag-raising ceremony. During the ceremony as well as any other time the flag is being raised or lowered, each student should stop and give respectful attention to the process.
Lockers/Book Bags (6–12)
Bookbags are recommended and may be carried into most classrooms. Students in grades 6–8 will be assigned a locker, and students in grades 9–12 may request one. Lockers/combinations should not be shared with other students. Lockers must be kept clean. Only magnets may be used to hang items inside the lockers, nothing should be put on the exterior of the locker, and nothing may be stored on top of the locker. Middle school students on a current sports team may hang their extra sports bag in designated bag closets.
Lunch/Lunchtime Visitors
BJA’s K3 and K4 programs must comply with certain regulations of South Carolina’s Department of Social Services (DSS). Regulations stipulate, “Round, firm foods shall not be offered to children younger than four years old. Examples of such foods include hot dogs, grapes, hard candy, nuts, peanuts, and popcorn. Hot dogs may be served if cut lengthwise and quartered; grapes may be served if cut in halves.” Please plan accordingly when preparing the lunch or snack of a K3 or K4 student, regardless of the student’s birth date.
Hot lunches are available through Aramark, BJU’s food service provider and, for high school students, also through the Markham Center. See the Hot Lunches webpage for details.
- K3–grade 8: Parents and, with a parent’s written permission, other relatives of a student are welcome to join the student for the lunch period. Visits should be coordinated with the school office where the guest will sign in and receive a nametag before meeting the student.
- Grades 9–12: Students may eat in supervised locations in and around the Quadrangle. Students may not be in unsupervised locations during lunch. Family members, pastoral staff, and other guests are welcome to eat with their students in the Quadrangle after signing in at the office and receiving a nametag. With a parent’s written permission, a student may go off campus for lunch with a grandparent, pastor, or youth pastor or may walk home for lunch. The student should check out and check back in at the office.
Lost and Found
All a student’s personal property should be labeled. Lost and found items are placed in the following locations: Primary Center office, Elementary Main building back hallway, middle school office, high school Markham Center, and Academy Gym.
The music we present and use at BJA is intentionally conservative in style, avoiding, for example, rock/pop, jazz, country, and rap/hip-hop. Music used by students while on campus, such as for class presentations, should be approved ahead of time.
Physical Contact
Students are to avoid prolonged or inappropriate physical contact with students of either sex. We will be quick to give the benefit of the doubt but ask that students follow the spirit of scripture to be blameless and harmless children of God in a crooked and perverse world. Abusive, sensual, or harassing behavior of any form will not be tolerated and should be reported to an adult immediately.
Prohibited Items
Students in K5–grade 5 should not bring items such as the following to school: gum; live animals; collector items including cards; electronic and gaming devices; dangerous objects or real or toy weapons (knives, lighters, lasers, airsoft guns, etc.)
Students in grades 6–12 should not bring items such as the following to school: earbuds (except as required for class or with administrative permission); electronic and gaming devices; personal computers; musical instruments (except for music class/lessons or with administrative permission); skates, boards, scooters, etc.; dangerous objects or real or toy weapons (knives, lighters, lasers, airsoft guns, etc.)
For the sake of our families, no one may survey or sell to the academy community on school grounds. For items such as invitation posters for non-Academy activities, please contact an administrator for permission. Fundraising efforts should first be authorized by the administration.
Textbooks/School-Issued Computers/ID Cards
Textbooks, workbooks, BJA-issued computers, and other materials provided to students belong to the school. They are turned in at the end of the school year. A charge may be assessed for unusual wear or negligence of BJA property.
Students in grades 9–12 receive an identification card which can be used at BJU locations such as the library as well as for BJA purposes including access to the Markham Center. ID cards may not be loaned or borrowed.
We encourage our current families to invite prospective students to visit BJA. Day-long visits are best arranged in advance by contacting the Academy’s admission office. On the day of the visit, the prospective student checks in at the school office and secures a visitor’s tag for the visit.
For K3–grade 5, observations by parents or guests can be arranged by contacting the principal in advance.
Safety and Legal Requirements
Basic Safety Expectations
For the sake of basic safety, students may enter rooms only when and where assigned or permitted. Students should not enter facilities including the parking garage unless they are specifically authorized to enter. They may never be in unsupervised areas of campus. They should use crosswalks, always cooperating with crossing guards.
Child Abuse/Mandatory Reporting
The state of South Carolina requires school personnel to report allegations of suspected child abuse to the Department of Social Services (DSS) when there is cause to suspect physical, sexual, or mental abuse by an adult or another student. While the school is generally expected to communicate with parents regarding the well-being of their child, in a situation of suspected abuse the law requires school personnel to act on behalf of the child and to refrain from contacting parents in advance of making a report to the DSS. School personnel will make such reports in the best interest of the child and do not, once cause to suspect is established, have any legal alternative except to make a report to the DSS for their investigation and review.
Bullying is repeated and purposeful abuse of power or position to intimidate or control another person. Bullying may be verbal, physical, or social and may occur in person or online. We recognize that not all unpleasant experiences or interpersonal conflicts are due to bullying and will communicate with parents to coordinate the appropriate instruction and intervention. Nonetheless, bullying, harassment, or unkindness of any kind will not be tolerated at BJA. Depending on its severity, bullying may result in expulsion and referral to appropriate authorities where arrest and/or prosecution is possible. BJA is a ministry of Bob Jones University, so complaints may also be investigated in accordance with the BJU Discrimination and Harassment Grievance Procedures in its compliance with Title IX. The policies and procedures may be found at
Emergency Drills
BJA maintains a comprehensive emergency crisis plan that includes the involvement of BJU’s Office of Public Safety and local law enforcement, fire and medical professionals. We use “I Love U Guys” (ILUG) Foundation’s Standard Response Protocol. We regularly train, practice, and drill the standard responses to address a variety of emergency situations. Should parents need to pick their students up from another location due to an evacuation from our normal school buildings, we will use Parent Alert to notify parents of the situation, alternate pick-up location, and anticipated time frame for pick-up.
In most cases when your child needs medication during the school day, the parent will need to submit a form and the medication in its original container to a school office. Details and forms are available on our Medications at School webpage.
For over-the-counter medications (OTC's)
- for K3–grade 5 basic OTC's are supplied;
- for grades 6–8 basic OTC's are supplied;
- and for grades 9–12 students may carry their own OTC's; these are not provided by the school.
Under federal law, prescription medication can be taken only by the person for whom it is prescribed. Misuse of prescription medication (including giving or receiving it) may result in suspension or expulsion.
Because strong scents can trigger asthma attacks, headaches, and allergy symptoms, please avoid or minimize use of essential oils or scented lotions on your child.
Safety and Privacy
We value both the safety and the privacy of our students at BJA. As best we know how, we are committed to represent our parents’ interests while their children are in our care. Accordingly, we communicate at the very earliest any information or concerns we may discover regarding a child’s well-being or safety. As educators, BJA’s administration has a mandatory responsibility to and will alert law enforcement officials of legal violations occurring on or off campus.
Student Drivers
Students who drive to campus must register their vehicles (including motorcycles and bicycles) with BJU’s Office of Public Safety and must follow instructions for parking tag placement as well as parking locations.
We’re glad for students to be able to drive themselves to school so that their parents do not need to drive them. This privilege is to be limited to this purpose only. For example, students should not
- loiter in the parking lot,
- return to the vehicle before leaving for the day (including lunchtime),
- use vehicle for cross-campus transportation, or
- enter another vehicle.
Normal attendance policies apply; students needing to leave school before the end of the school day must obtain specific permission from the school office.
Before and after school students may not loiter in their vehicle or around the parking area. During the school day (including lunchtime) students should not go to or use the vehicle except with specific permission from the office.
Any damage to another vehicle should be reported to the office, the owner, and public safety right away.
Because of the risk to student safety, violations can range from demerits to loss of parking privileges (the parking fee is not reimbursed) to suspension from school.
Supplemental Student Accident Insurance
The school provides individual supplemental student accident insurance. This insurance functions as a secondary insurance to pay any portion of the unpaid balance for accidents that occur at school. For more information, review the plan summary and student injury claim form.
Cooperation Agreement
By enrolling a child at BJA, parents agree that if any payment is not made within 25 days of the date due, the school may, at its option, suspend the student and is under no obligation to provide educational services or activities after payment becomes past due, including providing report cards, transcripts or a diploma. A late fee of $25 is assessed on any unpaid portion of a required payment.
In case of withdrawal (leaving after the semester begins), tuition will be prorated to withdrawal date and withdrawal fee assessed. Most fees are nonrefundable. At that time textbooks and any other school property must be returned, including school-issued laptops, and vehicle registration stickers removed.
Support and Partnership
Honoring the Lord by caring for the spiritual, mental, physical, and academic welfare of each student is of primary concern. Policies have been designed for student growth, efficient operation, and safety.
As we partner with you in the education of your children, a misunderstanding or conflict may arise. If you are not able to resolve a situation with the teacher, please reach out to the principal for help in resolution.
If, after completely reading this handbook and looking over the BJU/BJA position statements, you and your student agree to abide in spirit and practice with the stated requirements and agree with and to abide by the BJA/BJU statement on Marriage and Human Sexuality, please indicate this as part of the Online Check-In process.
Thank you in advance for your prayer support. We look forward to a good year together.
CDC (Birth through Age 2)
BJA’s child development center is registered with the Department of Social Services (DSS) and complies with its regulations.
Days and Hours of Availability
The CDC is open Monday through Friday, from 7:30 a.m. until 5:30 p.m., and children should be dropped off at their own classrooms. During the regular Academy school year, early drop off is available from 7:15 until 7:30 a.m. in the lobby. A late pickup fee will be charged for any child not picked up by 5:30 p.m.
BJA’s school calendar, available on the website, includes holiday and vacation closings. The CDC follows BJA's school closure calendar during the school year but remains open during the summer.
When a parent keeps a child home during the summer, for maternity leave, etc., we hold the child’s spot in class when tuition payments continue to be made. Otherwise, a parent can withdraw the child and later re-apply for an open position (if available).
Arrival and Departure
A parent, legal guardian, or sibling (at least 18 years old) should bring the child into the building. Children are released only to a parent or legal guardian unless the teacher has written notification from a parent or legal guardian of a specific other adult who will pick up the child. If the teacher does not recognize the person picking up a child, photo ID will be required.
At arrival and again at departure, a parent should notify the child’s teacher and clock the child in or out. For safety purposes we ask that younger children be dropped off after and picked up before older children, that children who walk hold an adult’s hand from the vehicle to their classroom door, and that children not be left in the car without an adult even during drop-off/pick-up.
Placement and Daily Activities
The child’s age is the primary basis for class placement, but placement can also be affected by DSS regulations regarding room square footage per child. After a child has been in a new classroom for a month, the placement is reevaluated for appropriateness for the child, and placement may be adjusted. The administration makes final decisions regarding promotion and class placement.
The daily schedule is carefully designed to promote development and learning through age-appropriate activities that balance free play and teacher-directed plans. Bible time is included for children 18 months and older. Each classroom posts an individual schedule, and children join in the regular classroom schedule whenever they arrive.
- Instructions
- Infant rooms: When parents drop off their child each day, they let the teacher know any specifics regarding eating, sleeping, etc.
- Older children: A permanent chart is compiled based on a parent’s instructions at the beginning of each semester and summer. Changes should be given to the teacher in writing.
- Clothing and Personal Belongings: Children play outside almost every day and children should be dressed appropriately for active, artistic, and outdoor play, including shoes (preferably athletic shoes) and socks once a child begins to walk. A complete extra set of seasonally appropriate clothing, including socks, should be kept in the child’s cubby or backpack.
- Because removable earrings or barrettes, necklaces, and bracelets present a choking hazard, children under age two may not wear them.
- If the child needs a comfort or transition item, a parent should talk with the child’s teacher. Classrooms are filled with age-appropriate toys, and personal toys are not needed except on announced “sharing days.”
- Snacks and Meals: For health and safety purposes, DSS regulates practices related to snack and mealtimes. Firm, round foods (such as whole grapes, hard candy, nuts, and popcorn) cannot be offered to children in the CDC. Leftover formula, juice, or food cannot be re-served but may be saved for parents to take home. If left overnight, it must be discarded. Parents may not send food that has already been offered to the child. Breakfast (including a bottle for infants) should be finished before drop-off.
- Food allergies must be specified in writing on the annual DSS health form and may be updated at any time.
- Children under one year old are fed according to the schedule requested by the parents. Baby formula, juice, and food served in a bottle or jar should be labeled with the child's name, ready to feed, and packaged for single use. Breastmilk bottles should be labeled with the child’s name and date. Food should be cut in pieces one-quarter inch or smaller.
- Children one year old and older have morning and afternoon snacks as well as lunch. Food and drink should be labeled with the child’s name, packaged for single use, and located in that child’s room. Each child should also have a water bottle. Food must be cut in pieces one-half inch or smaller—grapes halved, hot dogs cut lengthwise and quartered.
- A microwave is used to heat food, except for breast milk and formula bottles.
- See the classroom teacher for a recommendation about bibs.
- Potty Training and Diapers: Due to DSS regulations for handling of cloth diapers and human waste, the CDC permits only disposable diapers. The CDC provides wipes unless a child requires a specific type or brand.
- When your child is showing signs of interest in potty training, can communicate his or her needs, and you are ready to begin potty training, please let the classroom teacher know. Disposable training pants should be used during the potty-training process and until the child has been accident-free for two weeks.
- A child needs to be fully trained prior to starting K3.
Information and Procedures
- Accidents/Emergencies: Our staff will do everything reasonable to safeguard the children in our care. Accidents that do happen are documented. Teachers can answer questions about minor scrapes or bruises. In the event of a serious accident or emergency, we will contact Emergency Medical Services and BJU’s Office of Public Safety in addition to the child’s parents. Please let us know right away of any change in phone numbers, place of employment, or home address.
- Biting: For the safety of all the children in our care, we do not permit ongoing biting at the CDC. If a child is bitten, the teacher will clean the site and notify a parent, not sharing the name of the child who bit. We will also contact the parents of the child who bit and work through these corrective strategies:
- Infants and toddlers: provide appropriate teething activities to comfort and soothe gums
- Biting due to frustration: redirect to a different activity, give an alternate way to ask for what they want, encourage use of language to express wants and needs
- Biting twice in one day: at the discretion of the CDC Director the parents may be asked to remove the child for the rest of the day.
- If all attempts to stop biting fail, we reserve the right to suspend the biting child temporarily or permanently from the CDC.
- Discipline and Guidance: We desire that children develop a tender-hearted love for God and others and work to help children develop patterns of behavior that are consistent with scripture. Teachers promote acceptable behavior by modeling and by reinforcing it through positive comments and praise. We notify the parents if a child’s behavior is unacceptable. The CDC Director will also be involved in dealing with situations that involve consistently unacceptable behavior. This may include some supervised time in a “thinking seat” (time out) or a brief suspension from a favorite activity. Per DSS regulations parents must annually complete a Statement of Cooperation with the school’s discipline policies.
- Immunization Records: Parents submit an immunization record at the time enrollment begins. Please regularly submit any updated records. Parents who choose not to immunize their children must submit a completed South Carolina Certificate of Religious Exemption, available from the health department.
- Lost and Found: Each child’s belongings should be labeled. Lost and found items are in the cabinet under the time clock in each lobby or at the office. At the end of the school year, items are donated to charity.
- Illness: See the appendix for information about when a child should stay home from the CDC.
- Medication: A prescription or over the counter medication administered at the CDC must be in the original container, clearly labeled with the child’s name, and given to the teacher along with the appropriate non-prescription medications or prescription medications form (forms are available here and at school offices). Medications for children under two must be accompanied by a doctor’s note specifying proper dosage. A child with an epinephrine injector at the CDC must have a completed Anaphylaxis Medication Authorization form on file along with an emergency action plan from the physician who prescribed the epinephrine injector. Medications are kept in a locked medication box or cabinet. Medication or special medical procedures will be administered only when there is a written, signed, and dated request from a parent. Expired medications cannot be administered.
Part-time Students (Grades 1–12)
Part-time students are students who are supplementing their homeschooling by taking three or fewer classes at BJA.
Part-time students abide by normal school policies, including dress expectations, and are eligible to participate along with full-time students in standardized testing, most school trips, special events, etc.
Part-time students in grades 6–12 attend one chapel each week, typically on Friday.
While a variety of extracurricular opportunities are available to part-time students, part-time students are not eligible for interscholastic sports (except cross country) or for elected, appointed, or auditioned positions (except speech and debate).
Because communication becomes increasingly challenging when students are not on campus throughout the day, students in grades 6–12 should take extra care to read daily email announcements.
Part-time students may transition to full time after submitting necessary grade reports and, for grades 1-5, completing an academic screening. Students must attend BJA full-time for both semesters of the senior year to graduate from BJA.
School Illness Guidelines
(as of July 20, 2023)
Illness/Infection/Symptom | Should You Stay at Home? | When You May Return |
Chicken Pox | Yes | With parent note; when all pox have scabbed over and are dry |
Cold | No (without fever) Yes (with fever) |
See fever guidelines |
Cough | A child with a frequent cough should not be brought to the CDC | When cough is controlled without medication |
Croup | Yes | Free of fever for 24 hours, cough controlled, and able to participate in the normal classroom routine |
Diarrhea (2 or more loose stools in a 24 hour period) | Yes | Symptom free for 24 hours |
Ear Infection | No (unless fever is present or symptoms prohibit normal classroom routine) | |
Fever Infants 4 months or younger with a rectal temp of 101º; Infants and children over 4 months with an axillary temp of 99º or an oral temp of 100º |
Yes | Free of fever for 24 hours without fever-reducing medication (with a fever of several days, consider 48 hours instead of 24) |
Fifth Disease | If fevered or with behavior changes |
Free of fever for 24 hours and able to participate in the normal classroom routine |
Hand/Foot/Mouth Disease | Yes (with fever, blisters in mouth, and more than a few blisters in the diaper area) |
With parent note; when no new blisters appear, free of fever for 24 hours, and able to participate in normal school activities |
Head Lice | Please notify the school nurse so any necessary precautions can be taken at school. | After treatment and removal of all nits in accordance with our “No Nit Policy” |
Impetigo | Yes, until after 24 hours of antibiotic therapy or as long as lesion is draining and cannot be covered | Parent note stating that antibiotic therapy has been initiated for 24 hours |
Measles | Yes | With medical note; 4 days after onset of rash and when the child is fever free |
Molluscum | No | Any bumps not covered by clothing must be covered with a watertight bandage. Any bumps in the diaper/ underwear area of a child needing assistance with the bathroom must be covered with a watertight bandage. |
Mumps | Yes | With medical note; when all swelling is gone and at least 5 days after the onset of parotid gland swelling |
Pertussis (Whooping Cough) | Yes | After 5 days of antibiotics and cough is well-controlled |
Pink Eye—Bacterial | Yes | With medical note, treatment has started, and eye is no longer draining |
Pink Eye—Viral | Yes | When symptoms are gone |
Pinworm | Yes | 24 hours after initial treatment |
Ring Worm of the Body | No | With parent note documenting that treatment has been started |
Ring Worm of the Scalp | Yes | With medical note documenting initiation of oral anti-fungal therapy |
Roseola | Yes | After rash and fever are gone or with doctor’s note |
RSV | Yes | Free of fever for 24 hours and coughing and other symptoms are under control |
Rubella (German Measles) | Yes | 7 days after onset of rash or with medical note |
Salmonella | Yes | With medical note or when diarrhea resolves; 3 negative stool cultures are required for Salmonella |
Strep Throat | Yes | With medical note documenting initiation of treatment, free of fever for 24 hours without medication, able to participate in normal school activities, and at least 12 hours after treatment has been initiated |
Thrush | No, but treatment should be sought | |
Unidentified weeping rash | Yes | When rash is gone, unless a physician approves readmission |
Vomiting | Yes | 24 hours after the last vomiting and able to participate in activities |
School Hours and Contact
Central Office (864) 770-1395
[email protected]
Child Development Center: (864) 770-1390
7:30 a.m.–5:30 p.m.
Drop off: classroom
Early drop off (during Academy school year): 7:15–7:30 a.m. lobby
Primary Center (K3–K5): (864) 770-1391
8 a.m.–11:45 a.m. (half day)
8 a.m.–2:45 p.m. (full day)
Drop off: 7:15–7:55 a.m.
Elementary Main (Grades 1–5): (864) 770-1392
8 a.m.–2:45 p.m.
Drop off: 7:15–7:55 a.m.
Middle School (Grades 6–8): (864) 770-1393
8 a.m.–3:10 p.m.
Drop off: 7:15–7:55 a.m.
High School (Grades 9–12): (864) 770-1394
8 a.m.–3:10 p.m.
Drop off: 7:15–7:55 a.m.
Member of
American Association of Christian Schools
South Carolina Association of Christian Schools
Accredited by
American Association of Christian Schools
South Carolina Association of Christian Schools
Subject to the Constitution of the United States and all applicable state and federal laws, Bob Jones Academy does not discriminate in its employment practices or in the administration and dissemination of its programs and services.