Career Exploration

Unsure of what to major in? Trying to narrow down several options for occupations? Here are tools to help you explore where the Lord may be leading you vocationally. Of course be sure to consult with your parents about potential careers since they know you best! And be sure to pursue your relationship with the Lord: follow Him one step at a time, and you’ll be on the right track!

College Prep Workshop
Juniors and seniors have a wonderful opportunity to participate in an optional College Prep Workshop in the fall. This event, which takes place during the school day, is an opportunity for students to interact with and ask questions of a panel of BJU faculty members who represent various fields of study—including Bible, medicine, education, business, and more.

Interest Inventories
Use interest inventories to help highlight interests, values and skills. When students register for the ACT, they take the ACT Interest Inventory. Explore ACT tools here. Students may also contact the academic office to take the Strong Interest Inventory.

Volunteer Log
Many colleges request a volunteer log to track a student’s community involvement.