Last week Dr. Nelson wrote about BJA’s accreditation review visit next month. Before and during the visit the team will use 12 standards to measure BJA. The team will look... read more →
While accreditation is recognized as an indicator of excellence, it is rarely understood. Accreditation is seen as the “Good Housekeeping seal of approval” for schools, and that is certainly not... read more →
I enjoy the fresh start that new quarters and semesters provide to our students. It’s also a good time to review basic but critical study skills for continuing to improve... read more →
Merry Christmas! Am I really saying that already? The semester has been so jam packed and fast paced that the Christmas break is a welcome anticipation. And while, for most,... read more →
Winston Churchill once said, “We make a living by what we get; we make a life by what we give.” Serving others is not just kindness or a humanitarian effort,... read more →
The middle school will have half days of school on Wednesday and Thursday, Dec 18 and 19, as well as on Friday, Dec 20 (as previously announced). Eighth graders will... read more →
We live in a troubled world. And because of that, parents contemplate how best to prepare children to successfully face today’s world and look to education to effect that end.... read more →
“Dream big. Aim high. Reach for the stars.” After I wrote these words, I discovered that there is an actual inspirational website that uses these words as its URL. “The... read more →
Earn straight A’s, make the soccer team, collect the spelling bee trophy, conquer the latest technology gadget—indicators of excellence? Or not? The current culture around us tends to the casual... read more →
Choosing a college is one of the most important decisions high school students make. Since many students want to begin researching college options early, students in Grades 9–12 have been... read more →