Elliott Kelley, BJA Class of 2014 and current Bob Jones University sophomore, was named by Senator Ted Cruz as a National Co-Chair of the “Millennials for Cruz” coalition. “Millennials seek truth and demand a candidate who will enact policies that will change the direction of our country,” explains Elliott. “The Millennials for Cruz coalition is bringing together a grassroots army of Millennials at colleges and universities throughout the U.S. which will be a crucial asset in helping to elect Cruz in 2016.” (https://www.tedcruz.org/news/cruz-names-alessandra-gennarelli-elliott-kelley-neal-mehrotra-national-co-chairs-of-millennials-for-cruz/)
While in high school Elliott debated for the BJA Forensic team and placed nationally in Lincoln Douglas Debate. Currently Elliott serves as Chief Justice and Senator in the South Carolina Student Legislature, and he also sits as 2nd Vice Chair of the Pickens County Republican Party. “Elliott showed deep interest in politics in high school,” comments Gail Nicholas, BJA American Government teacher. “His involvement in the presidential primaries and this appointment reflect the commitment Elliott has to serving his country through government work.”

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