Bob Jones Academy recently earned accreditation by the Middle States Association Commissions on Elementary and Secondary Schools, a worldwide leader in accreditation and continuous school improvement.
“We are pleased to have earned accreditation by the Middle States Association and appreciate the efforts of those who worked so hard to make this possible,” says our administrator, Dr. Dan Nelson. “This confirms the value of a BJA education.”
Accreditation is a self-evaluation process that schools voluntarily undergo to demonstrate they are meeting a defined set of performance standards. The accreditation process helps schools – and ultimately students – to continuously grow and improve.
The process begins with a self-study that is conducted by the school and requires input from school leaders, teachers, parents and students. Following the self-study, a team of volunteer educators from Association member schools conducts an on-site peer review visit to observe school operations and interview various stakeholders.
The visiting team makes its recommendation to the Middle States Association Commissions, which votes on the accreditation.
“The accreditation process examines schools in a holistic way, supplementing student testing data and providing a more complete measure of a school’s performance,” said Henry G. Cram, Ed.D., president of the Middle States Association Commissions on Elementary and Secondary Schools. “School leaders, teachers and parents are to be commended for working together to create a concrete plan focused on providing high quality education for all students.”
In addition to its accreditation through MSA, BJA is also accredited by the American Association of Christian Schools and the South Carolina Association of Christian Schools.
About Middle States Association Commissions on Elementary and Secondary Schools (MSA): The Middle States Association is a worldwide leader in accreditation and school improvement. For over 125 years, MSA has been helping school leaders establish and reach their goals, develop strategic plans, promote staff development and advance student achievement. With more than 2,700 MSA-accredited schools across the United States and in nearly 100 countries, MSA is proud of its continuing legacy and its ongoing innovations to meet the challenges of the 21st century and improve educational opportunities for all children.
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