Looking for ways to support BJA this summer? We have five ways for you to help!
- BoxTops® for Education: Clip and turn in BoxTops® at any school office. BJA earns 10¢ for each BoxTop®!
- Coca-Cola Give: Enjoy Coke products and then turn in your bottle caps to any school office. Each cap helps BJA accumulate points towards free funds.
- Publix Partners: Use your Publix Partner card (available in any school office) when making a purchase at any upstate Publix store. BJA receives a percentage of each purchase.
- Tyson A+ Project: Clip Tyson A+ Project labels from participating Tyson brand products and turn them in at any school office. These labels earn 24¢ each for BJA!
- Used ink cartridges: Drop off used ink cartridges of any brand or size at any BJA office. These are recycled to provide supply vouchers for our teachers.
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