To help with decision making regarding future careers, the juniors took the Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery (ASVAB) and the related Find Your Interests (FYI) interest inventory yesterday. ASVAB scores will be available in approximately two weeks. Parents may want to look over the FYI information that the students already have as well as the ASVAB scores when the students receive them. Online resources will become available when the ASVAB scores are received. Also available are yesterday’s presentations regarding Career Exploration and Knowing God’s Will. Juniors are also signing up for small group lunchtime meetings that they will have over the next few weeks with Dr. White and Miss Freeman to discuss preparation for college—from scholarships to majors and more. As always, for students needing one-on-one conversations about college- or career-related matters or other academic issues, parents and students are welcome to consult with Dr. White and Miss Freeman at any time.
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