I enjoy teaching one of the quarters of BJA’s senior Bible class each year. Recently one of our graduates emailed to tell me how the Lord was continuing to use that material in her life, a great blessing to read. She gave permission to include the email (slightly edited for privacy’s sake) for others to be encouraged as well.
Mr. Hunt,
Thank you for having us work through the Basics for Believers book in Bible class. I want to let you know how God has used it in my life in ways I would not have been able to foresee at that time.
God allowed me to lead my roommate to Christ a few weeks ago, and I was looking for something to start doing with her and had completely forgotten about that book until another Academy graduate reminded me of it. Later as I was talking to my resident hall supervisor, she asked if I’d heard of it because BJU provides them for free. It was cool to see God bring it up again and almost drop it in my lap.
My two roommates and I started working through the book together last night. It was honestly fun to read the Word together and hear both my Christian roommate and my new Christian roommate discuss gospel truths together. When we got to the question in the eternal life section that asks if you have a personal guarantee of eternal life, my roommate wrote “yes” with four exclamation points. We then got to hear her express the fruit that she has already seen in her life.
It has been so cool throughout the whole process to see God at work and to see the joy of a new believer in her salvation, and seeing it has restored to me some of that joy in my own salvation.
Thank you again! God is using your extended influence not only in the lives of your students but in the lives of the people around them!
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