For most, takeoff is the beginning of a journey. But for some, takeoff marks the completion of many details and busy preparations. I want to express my thanks to the BJA administrators and office staff who, by their tireless, excellent service day-in and day-out, have BJA ready to launch.
Office staff and administrators welcome new families, give tours often, present summer professional development workshops, monitor facility upgrades and repairs, strengthen security, search for new teachers and staff, order textbooks, research educational methods, develop new educational programs, keep an eye on legislation, maintain budgets, coordinate the calendar, plan field trips, enhance technology, communicate with constituents, and handle many other details necessary for successfully starting a school year.
All systems are go. Enrollment is up 3.5–4% from last year. We have opened additional second and fifth grade sections. We are at capacity in the middle school and may have to start a waiting list. Elementary and secondary faculty and staff positions are filled with top quality, energetic individuals. Students and teachers are assigned to their classes. The countdown to takeoff continues smoothly.
To God be the glory. We are awestruck by His goodness and provision. He has answered many prayers this summer and provided in many unique ways. We continue to pray that God will use us as we partner with you to equip your students to serve the Lord effectively and faithfully.
Back to School Nights, Thursday for the middle school and Friday for elementary and high school, are the official starts to the new year. We are T-minus-7 days and counting.
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