The second standard for accreditation deals with governance and leadership. Just saying the word “governance” or “bifurcation” is enough to put people to sleep, but please don’t nod off! In fact, my intent is to focus on leadership—and how that affects your students—with just a passing comment on governance.
The article “Two Companies, Same BJA,” written on April 5, 2017, describes the details of BJA governance in two companies—BJU, Inc. and BJU Education Group, Inc. God has blessed both companies with governing boards of people who are fully committed to the Lord and whose highest priority is to equip students to show forth Christ in a broken world. These boards establish and maintain policies that deliver the philosophy through competent, like-minded teachers who teach from a biblical worldview. You can be confident that your child is receiving a biblical worldview education where his or her relationship with Jesus Christ is of utmost importance.
Now allow me to turn your attention to the school leadership. It has been my privilege to work with the administrative leadership team for over eight years. It is an honor to work with such competent, loving men and women whose entire focus is on the students’ success in the classroom for the sake of the Lord. Each principal, assistant principal, and administrative employee demonstrates a vibrant walk with the Lord and is involved in a local church in addition to carrying a significant load here at school. They are all competent leaders, respected by their team members. Typically, they are some of the first people to arrive at school and are among the last to leave. They attend numerous evening and weekend events, organizing or supporting those involved. They ensure that BJA operates legally and competently. They are lifelong learners who are constantly evaluating and improving the pedagogy, technology, and assessment we use. They challenge students to love Jesus Christ, embrace God’s truth, exercise integrity, pursue excellence, and serve others. It would be difficult to find a more qualified team. They love the Lord, love their teachers and students, and have noteworthy ability as educational leaders. I greatly love and admire them!
But the true beneficiaries of the BJA leadership and governance are the students. No wonder God has used BJA education in the lives of so many students who go on to faithfully serve the Lord in their colleges, careers, and ministries.
Bob Jones Academy exists to assist like-minded Christian parents in challenging students to love Jesus Christ, to embrace God’s truth, to exercise integrity, to pursue excellence, and to serve others.
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