My favorite time of the winter, BJU’s annual Bible Conference, is quickly approaching. On February 17–19, the high school will participate in what may be our most unusual Bible Conference ever.
Typically our high schoolers have a break from classes the three days of Bible Conference, instead attending the daytime services of the conference. It’s a wonderful time a growth and enjoyment for students and staff alike.
This year, though, because of our current campus COVID-19 protocols, there are not enough seats to properly distance both BJU students and our high school students in the FMA.
We’re pleased that we’re having a somewhat parallel Bible Conference for our high school students.
The theme is the same–Sanctify Them, from John 17:17, which explores themes of sanctification and what it means to walk daily with the Lord.
The ministry offering is the same–for the construction of Hope Christian Hospital in Ivory Coast, West Africa.
Many of the speakers will also be the same, and we’re grateful for their eagerness to preach to our students.
What’s different? Our Bible Conference services will be held in Stratton Hall at 10 a.m. and 1:30 p.m. Academy music groups will provide special music for each service. And, weather permitting, we will enjoy an outside singspiration and testimony time as Thursday afternoon’s service.
Similar as well to previous Bible Conferences, we will scan the student identification cards to verify attendance. To practice for Bible Conference, we will begin scanning ID cards at our own chapels and assemblies over the next few weeks. Please encourage your student to be ID-ready. (If a new ID card is needed, the Hub, located in the BJU Student Center, can print a new card for $15. The Hub is open Monday through Friday from 8 a.m. until 5 p.m.)
Thank you for praying with us for the Lord’s work to be accomplished during Bible Conference.
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