The past year has been an intense, unique, and–Lord-willing–one-of-a-kind year. Because of the Lord’s grace, it appears that we will make it to the end of the year with five-day-a-week in-person classes.
Other families have taken notice of this year’s success, and new applications are soaring. As of today, we have over 150 student applications—almost three times what we typically have at this time of the year. Some are returning students who chose alternate learning this year because of COVID-related issues. More of the applications are from new families who want what BJA has to offer. While we have been planning for 1,030 students for the fall, we have more than 1,100 returning students plus new applications. That is the good news!
The challenge is classroom capacity. In the early grades, the student numbers are quickly approaching the capacity limits even after planning to add several new classes where space permits. In the next couple of weeks, elementary grades will have waiting lists. Seats continue to be available in the middle and high schools.
If you know someone who is thinking about applying for the fall semester, they should consider applying as soon as possible. Please pray that the Lord would be glorified as we steward this additional opportunity and that BJA would continue to shine a gospel light in troubled times.
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