Dear BASEcamp Families:
I hope your BJA school year is finishing well. I’m sure your kids (like mine) are thankful for a great year but looking forward to summer vacation. The BASEcamp team has started training, and we look forward to welcoming your kids throughout the summer.
Our goal this summer is to align everything we do to fit the newly written BASEcamp purpose statement: BASEcamp exists to provide a safe and fun environment for children to grow spiritually, socially, and physically for God’s glory and the flourishing of their families.
Thank you so much to many of you who responded to the parent survey and gave very helpful feedback. The BASEcamp team read every comment on every response, and we are incorporating your feedback into the planning for this summer as we seek to fulfill our purpose.
Here are a few high-level changes we are making based on your feedback:
- Purposeful Structure: There will be a structured schedule for each age group.
- Valuable Activities: The day will be filled with meaningful activities to add value to the lives of your children.
- Communication: The team will communicate weekly (at least) with the upcoming schedule and any announcements.
- Leadership: The BASEcamp team will be engaged with your children and speak truth in love while modeling servant leadership.
- Chapel: There will be chapel themes and special speakers for each week. Chapel will meet 11AM to 11:35AM on M/W/F. Campers will participate in the special music.
Jason and Caroline are excited about the revamped approach to BASEcamp this summer. We are thankful to partner with you and eternally invest into the lives of your children!
In His grace,
Matthew Weathers
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