October 11
October 9
Video from Dr. A (key information spelled out in the time stamps)
- 0:00 ES Main repair update
- 1:33 Mrs. Ellison’s class: learning graphing through bowling
- 2:30 Parents, thanks for your support!
- 2:55 Friday’s Vball Senior Night: Friday, Oct 11, between varsity games
- Pink out!
- Seniors: invited to participate in BJU’s Stars vs. Stripes touch football game after the games
- Friday, Oct 18: Senior Night for soccer & cross country
- 4:00 Parent feedback report: improving; many still lack internet
- 5:16 Donuts with Dr. A tomorrow 8 a.m., Academy Main (all levels)
- 6:00 Normal Lion’s Roar on Friday (with parent survey), including changes for next week
October 7
Video from Dr. A (key information spelled out in the time stamps)
- 0:00 Study Abroad morning footage
- 1:00 Afternoon carline footage
- 1:44 Donuts with Dr. A, Tues and Thurs, Academy Main, 8 a.m. all levels, in Academy Main
- 2:32 Parent status survey due 8 a.m. Tues
- 2:52 Reminder: no workload after school this week, enjoy!
- 3:17 Thanks to donors!
- 3:35 Next video update planned for Wed
- 3:40 Elem Main restoration footage
October 4
Video from Dr. A (key information spelled out in the time stamps)
- :01 Middle school info, with Mr. McCrum
- Study Abroad adventure!
- Carline: all drop off at lower Hutto, see additional video/pictures
- 8th grade: drop off at lower Hutto and go directly to Academy Auditorium, classes will be in the Brown building
- Visit lockers Monday morning
- 2:53 Elementary info, with Mrs. Howell
- Carline
- No “school supplies” or binders needed
- No Open Houses
- Pastors Appreciation postponed to second semester
- 5:52 Picture Day proofs
- Order online: see email from David Lawrence Photography
- Due by Thursday, Oct 17
- How to see all your students at once if you have multiple children at BJA
- No email received by end of day Monday, Oct 7? Call David Lawrence at (864) 987-5565
- Paper proof to be sent home next week, probably Tuesday, Oct 8
- Order online: see email from David Lawrence Photography
- 6:02 Carline additional video
- 6:36 No homework/studying at home
- 7:11 Music lessons continuing, reach out to Dr. Isaac Greene
- 7:41 Dress: Spirit Week type attire (BJA spirit t-shirts, jeans, pants)
- 8:26 ES Main remediation for any moisture or mold
- 8:51 How to help? Insurance will cover most, but people can donate at bobjonesacademy.net/support
- 9:49 Fridays, Oct 11 & 18: Sports Senior Nights between games
- 10:13 Friday & Saturday, Oct 11 & 12 BJU Homecoming Events; full schedule
- 10:42 Looking forward to a great week!
Temp Carline & Survey results video (key information spelled out in the time stamps)
- :01 Carline details
- Gr 1-2: pick up/drop off/late stay: @ ELC, enter from White Oak, exit right onto Wade Hampton (picture)
- Gr 3-5: pick up/drop off/late stay: @ Acad Corner, side facing White Oak, if entering from the “Cleaners” gate, cannot make immediate left into car line (picture)
- Gr 6-8: pick up/drop off/late stay: @ lower Hutto, normal car line entrance, modified exit around Cogen building
- Gr 9-12: pick up/drop off: @ HS Main, suggest exit carline by turning left at the Print Shop and continuing around back campus to an alternate exit
- 3:39 Parent survey results
- 3.77 average stars to 4.09 average stars on how families are doing overall
- 60% of respondents at home with electricity
- 4:52 Reach out if we can help!
October 3
Video from Dr. A (key information spelled out in the time stamps)
- 0:01 Elem Main update: picts of progress
- 0:35 Carline basics
- Gr 1-2 carline at Early Learning Center
- Gr 3-5 carline by Acad Corner
- Gr 6-8 carline at lower Hutto
- 1:55 Parent survey due tomorrow 9 a.m. (includes question about hot lunch)
- 2:37 Uniforms optional: follow guiding principle “Excellent” (do your best as unto the Lord) and the overall intent of the change
- 3:51 Encouragements, look for more details tomorrow
October 2
Video from Dr. A (key information spelled out in the time stamps)
- 0:01 Elem Main update: progressing, probably out of building 2 weeks
- 0:52 Locations for Study Abroad adventures
- 2nd grade: Early Learning Center (1st grade building, in rooms used for lunchrooms)
- 3rd-5th grade: Acad Corner (8th grade building)
- 8th grade: MS lunchroom, H 104, choir room, B 101
- Carline & other details later this week
- 2:55 Let us know if you have needs
- 3:18 Calendar updates coming
October 1
Video from Dr. A (key information spelled out in the time stamps)
- 0:01 BJA to restart Monday, Oct 7
- 0:32 Daily updates this week via text (duplicated over email)
- 0:39 ES Main recovery process, any mold/moisture treated
- 1:40 The Lord uses circumstances for our good & His glory!
- 1:56 Thanks for filling out the survey, all critical info in text & email
- 2:26 Parent survey results; please reach out if you need help!
- 3:42 Probably another survey later this week
- 4:11 Grades 2-5 “Study Abroad” classes on BJA campus, additional details later this week
- 4:53 Next week: Late to school/absences excused (grades taken during that time excused for those who are absent)
- 5:31 Next week: Workload during class time only
- 6:18 Next week: Uniforms optional
- 7:04 Next week: Confirming Aramark food options
- 7:59 School will look different for the next few weeks, but we can give our best as unto the Lord!
September 30
Video from Dr. A (key information spelled out in the time stamps)
- 0:00 Elementary Main building: damage significant; restoration underway
- 1:27 BJA restart: decision to be made and communicated tomorrow (probably no school this week)
- 2:16 Parent survey due 8 a.m. Tuesday
- 2:48 Senior trip: working on ideas for something special this week
- 2:57 Communication intentions: daily updates
- 3:20 Encouragement: Looking to the Lord in challenging times
September 29
Video from Dr. A (key information spelled out below)
All BJA classes, childcare, and activities are cancelled for Monday and Tuesday, September 30 and October 1. Plans for the rest of the week TBD.
Also cancelled or postponed are:
- Career Day (elementary school) on Wednesday
- Crew Day (middle school) on Friday
- the Senior trip to The Wilds (Monday through Friday)
- Athletic events Monday and Tuesday
We’ll provide updates as we are able.
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