BJA students may take residential (traditional classroom setting) or online Bob Jones University courses for dual credit—credit applying to both both high school and college transcripts.
- For Grades 11 and 12
- have completed the sophomore year (12+ credits)
- meet GPA requirements (Juniors: 3.8+; Seniors: 3.5+)
- are enrolled in 3+ classes (1.5+ credits) per day at BJA in addition to the dual credit classes
- not restricted due to
- discipline issues
- final grade below B- in a dual credit class
- Credits
- 3- and 4-credit college courses earn 1 high school credit; 1- and 2-credit college courses earn .5 high school credit
- For BJA transcript
- Maximum of 24 college credits for dual credit (8 high school credits); additional college credits earned will not be included on the BJA transcript
- Must have academic office approval before beginning the course
- For BJU (but not BJA) transcript
- 3.5+ GPA
- Enrolled in 4+ classes (2+ credits) per day at BJA
- For other colleges: check with the college about whether a particular course will transfer
- GPA calculations
- Costs
- Dual credit residential class (during the regular school day and semester): no charge; included in BJA tuition
- In-person BJU class not for dual credit: reduced rate
- Online class (summer or school year): reduced rate
- Limitations
- School year: 1 college class per semester (2 classes with academic office approval)
- Summer online courses: credits limitations apply (under Credits, above)
- Choosing courses
- Rule of thumb: 2+ hours outside of class for each hour in class each week
- Textbooks are required for most college classes and are not covered by tuition.
- In lieu of a required BJA class: see BJA course descriptions for details
- As elective: here are a few ideas
- Drawing/Structural Representation (Ar 121)
- Fundamentals of Counseling (Bc 241)
- Fundamentals of Speech (Com 101)
- General Psychology (Ps 200)
- Greek (ALG 101 and above)
- Introduction to Criminal Justice (CJ 101)
- Making of the Modern World (Hi 101)
- BJU Attendance policies
- Satisfactory Academic Progress policy
- Failing or withdrawing from a dual-credit class may jeopardize a student’s ability to receive financial aid, including federal financial aid.
- Questions? Contact BJU’s Financial Aid Office.