November 2 brought to BJA high school the end of a big school spirit week. Student Body officers presented a humorous program followed by a unique game of Quadropoly—pitting the freshmen, sophomores, juniors and seniors against each other. Although the Juniors came into the game with the most properties and cash, the Freshmen managed to pull out ahead to win the overall game. Then the faculty took over to head up the rest of the day and served as team leaders, referees and scorekeepers. Students divided into teams to battle in a four-way big ball volleyball game. Next came a new version of Capture the Flag. At the end of the day, the green team won the coveted golden claw trophy. After a barbeque lunch, the entire student body assembled in the auditorium for a delightful Faculty Body program, which was well received by the students. Overall, the day was fun, relaxing and a great break from routine!
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