The week of Nov. 5–9 proved to be an exciting and rewarding week for the 7th- and 8th-grade students of Bob Jones Academy as they participated in their school’s annual food drive for Miracle Hill Children’s Home. Students earned points by meeting collection goals in a variety of categories from dry and canned goods to paper products and cleaning supplies. Students gathered, sorted, boxed and weighed the items before loading them on a trailer provided by Miracle Hill. The winning class traveled to the children’s home where they enjoyed lunch, a brief tour of one of the cottages and an opportunity to see how MHCH sorts and stores what the school contributed. This year,BJA Middle School students gave MHCH nearly 11,000 items that weighed over 13,200 pounds; and the winning class was 7-1, Mr. Foster’s 7th-grade section.
The Miracle Hill food collection began in the fall of 1988. Bob Jones Junior High, as it was then known, began collecting food for Miracle Hill Children’s Home. In the early days, the collection competition was based on pounds, and students that first year brought in over two tons of groceries. Over the years the emphasis has changed from focusing solely on weight to focusing on the items most needed and requested by the personnel at the children’s home. Now known as Bob Jones Academy Middle Schoo lstudents, the young people collect items to earn points by completing lists from a variety of categories. The students sort and box the items, and they still weigh the boxes to determine how many pounds they have collected. From nearly 5,000 pounds that first year to the high of over 45,000 pounds in 1999 to this year’s 13,231, BJA 7th- and 8th-graders have collected and donated to MHCH grocery store items weighing over 403,400 pounds.

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