During this flu season it’s especially important that BJA families help each other to avoid spreading any of the various flu or flu-like illnesses that are increasingly frequent in our area. Because some of the current viruses are highly contagious, a primary means of minimizing risk for others is to deliberately avoid contact during certain situations. Let me give a few suggestions that hopefully can help the BJA family stay as healthy as possible!
#1 Do not minimize your response to potential symptoms.
Not everyone has all of the following symptoms when they have the flu or flu-like illness. The most common symptoms are fever or feeling feverish/chills, cough, sore throat, runny or stuffy nose, muscle or body aches, headaches, and fatigue; children may have vomiting and diarrhea. It is often difficult to discern if your child will get worse. Many doctor’s offices have run out of the flu test so it is very important that you pay attention to symptoms. We are praying for wisdom for you!
#2 Avoid an early return after symptoms dissipate.
Unfortunately, the period of contagion persists beyond the end of symptoms for some of the illnesses this flu season. If you have specific instructions from your doctor, certainly follow those. If you don’t have specific instructions, my recommendation for right now is to stay home for one extra day after symptoms have dissipated.
We are experiencing a severe flu season. We understand that it is difficult to rearrange your work schedule, but we need everyone to work together to stop the spread of the flu. We are doing extra cleaning to try to minimize the spread of germs at school and are committed to helping your child get caught up on missed work. Please don’t hesitate to contact the school or me if you have any questions.
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