Our mission statement directs us to challenge students to “love Jesus Christ.” Genuine love for others builds a “want to love” rather than a “have to love” relationship. This truth prioritizes our desire to love Jesus Christ as He loves us: unconditionally, sacrificially, and eternally. Jesus wants to love us, and we certainly should want to love Him in the same manner. In addition, God demonstrated His love by sending his Son “to be the propitiation [full payment] for our sins.”
Our love for Christ matures as we intentionally build our relationship with Him. Personally loving Christ through prayer and Bible study grows our mutual relationship. The apostle Paul states, “That I may know him, and the power of his resurrection, and the fellowship of his sufferings.” Paul’s insatiable desire to know Jesus Christ directed his everyday life. His thoughts, words, and actions proved his love for Christ.
It has been a blessing to see student-led Bible studies and prayer times around the Academy in both the middle and high school this year. Our students are also participating in gospel tract distribution, nursing home ministries, and outreach opportunities that include our speech and debate team, sports teams, and fine arts music groups. I love watching students who joyfully and unashamedly share their love for Christ with others.
What is the ultimate proof of God’s love for us? God demonstrated “his love for us, in that while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us.” This outward, visible act of love confirms His desire to have an eternal relationship with us. Would it not be a blessing to us and honoring to God if every BJA student could affirm the following statements?
“I do what I do because I love Jesus Christ.”
“I think the way I think because I love Jesus Christ.”
“I say what I say because I love Jesus Christ.”
“I choose what I choose because I love Jesus Christ.”
“I go where I go because I love Jesus Christ.”
The inward, private, invisible relationship we nurture with Christ impacts our outward, visible walk with Him. Our partnership with parents who “challenge students to love Jesus Christ” provides students with opportunities for service and encourages them toward a deeper personal, loving relationship with Christ.
Bob Jones Academy exists to assist like-minded Christian parents in challenging students to love Jesus Christ, to embrace God’s truth, to exercise integrity, to pursue excellence, and to serve others.
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