The BJA Vo-Tech shop off Karen Drive bustled with activity as our students tackled a variety of projects. Some of the routine car maintenance–oil changes, tire rotations, and brake jobs–received a lot of attention; another project hoisted on a lift nearby was getting the frontend suspension replaced. Just another routine day in the shop? Basically, yes!
In addition to the hands-on training for vehicle repair, students in the Auto-Diesel Technology program have now been placed in local auto shops and dealerships for ninety hours of internship training. These hours are outside of the normal class hours at BJA, and many local shop owners were eager to accept our students for these valuable internships. Mr. Michael Mabe, director of our Vo-Tech program, solicited these internships with the intent to benefit not only our students but also to build relationships with auto shop owners in the community.
Another opportunity recently developed in partnering with BJU’s transportation department to do some routine servicing of their vehicles. According to Mr. Mabe, “It has been a real blessing to be able to assist the transportation department with some routine car maintenance.” There has even been some time to work on a few BJA employees’ cars.
The Exploring Vo-Tech class is also about to overview a new vocation: HVAC maintenance. Students will receive basic training in HVAC operation, diagnosis, and repair for the next several weeks. Along with automobile repair and HVAC, future instructional units include welding, carpentry, electrical, plumbing, and aviation.
Instilling a biblical worldview and promoting our mission of challenging students in the areas of integrity, excellence, and service makes BJA’s Vo-Tech experience truly unique.
We are grateful for all who have supported our Vo-Tech program. Donations received to enhance our student experience include auto equipment, supplies, and small monetary gifts from parents, friends, shop owners, and local businesses. Thank you–and we will continue to be on the move!
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