Dear Parent: What a beautiful spring the Lord has given us this year! Because of the “stay at home” directives, I’ve enjoyed springtime beauty this year more than usual. (I... read more →
Ready to think about electives for next school year? Ready or not, it's that time! Due to the COVID-19 situation, we're doing registration a little differently this year. To register... read more →
Due to the COVID-19 situation, we’re doing registration a little differently this year. To register successfully, rising 9th through 12th graders and their parents need to understand: a new schedule–it... read more →
Dear Parent: Congratulations! You have completed the first 7 days of online learning. No doubt it has required a considerable amount of flexibility, creativity, and communication. Personally, this has been... read more →
Need a student desk? We have a limited number of these sturdy, well-built student desks available for BJA families . . . free! These would instantly create a stylish learning... read more →
We are exploring ways to handle registration for high school classes for the fall as well as how to handle summer school 2020. Meanwhile, please take a look at middle... read more →
Dear Parent: This new adventure—BJA online learning—has officially begun. The keys to success will be flexibility, creativity, and communication for teachers, parents, and students. Undergirded with prayer and drawing on... read more →
March 26, 2020 Dear Parent, How quickly events have evolved over the last three weeks. Each day there are new challenges we are facing with you. With the challenges there... read more →
March 31, 2020 Dear parent: The last few weeks have been uniquely challenging as we adjust daily to the coronavirus updates. Knowing that BJA will now be closed at least... read more →
Dear Parent: As you know, the decision was made yesterday to go to online learning through April 30. Here’s additional information to keep you apprised of changes related to that... read more →