Middle and high school students are enjoying having student mentor coaches available to talk to. Grace Fryml and Brandon Vazquez, both in BJA’s Class of 2015, are the new student... read more →
The National Speech & Debate Association recently inducted Mrs. Gail Nicholas, a BJA faculty member and speech & debate coach, into its hall of fame. Mrs. Nic, as she is... read more →
GREENVILLE, S.C. (May 19, 2021) – The Bob Jones Academy (BJA) Mock Trial team placed fifth in the National High School Mock Trial Championship held virtually May 13-15, behind teams... read more →
Heavenly Father, As we come to the end of the 2020-2021 academic year, we have much for which to be thankful. Most apparent, we are thankful that You allowed BJA... read more →
Each year faculty and staff who have reached milestones in service to BJU/BJA are recognized. This year eleven milestones stretch from 10 years to 40 years! Congratulations to the following... read more →
A couple of months ago, many were asking, “What is Boosterthon?” And, now, we all know! Now, Boosterthon conjures up colorful thoughts of children dressed up in red and blue... read more →
First launched in 1952, National Secretaries Day—now designated Administrative Professionals Day—is a time to recognize the significant contribution of administrative assistants, receptionists, and other administrative support professionals. Yesterday, April 21,... read more →
April 19 Update From Dr. Copeland As you are well aware, this has been a unique year, especially in the area of having parents and guests on campus for various... read more →
The past year has been an intense, unique, and–Lord-willing–one-of-a-kind year. Because of the Lord’s grace, it appears that we will make it to the end of the year with five-day-a-week... read more →
When we first felt the impact of COVID-19 in the spring and fall of 2020, few of us had experienced the virus. But with the surge of cases through the... read more →