Introducing the new school mascot—the Bob Jones Academy Lion! Because the lion is dedicated, focused, and proven, it well represents Bob Jones Academy.
Dedicated – The BJA faculty and staff are known for their dedication to Christ, to their students and to Christ-centered education. Renowned for its courage, strength, tenacity and leadership, the lion encourages those in the pride by his presence and roar. As the lion of the tribe of Judah, Jesus Christ leads and protects His children. Similarly, the faculty and staff desire to challenge the students to be courageous, strong and committed Christian leaders.
Focused – The lioness, the principal hunter in the pride, maintains singular focus as she stealthily closes in on her prey. Undeterred and undistracted, she brings down her quarry with speed, strength and agility. By the grace of God, the BJA faculty challenges students to focus on the goals of excellence in academics, the fine arts, athletics and ministry opportunities.
Proven – Bob Jones Academy is a proven Christian academic institution. The school’s heritage, faculty credentials, student achievements and alumni effectiveness speak to the success of the biblical philosophy and approach to education. The lion stands confident among animals and is respected and feared. Scriptures speak of the lion’s boldness, strength and intimidating roar. Truly, because of its proven record, the lion has rightly earned the title “king of the jungle.”
Dedicated, focused and proven. We welcome our new school mascot, the Bob Jones Academy lion! Go, lions!
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