What do you get when you have thirty-six teenagers, nine sponsors, and a rainy weekend at the Wilds in North Carolina? The first BJA leadership retreat, of course!
Under the leadership of Dr. Ryan Meers and Mr. Kasey McClure of the BJU Center for Leadership Development, the short, packed weekend consisted of six sessions about leadership, communication, clarity, and servant leadership. After certain sessions, students had the opportunity to put into practice what had just been taught through experimental learning. Activities ranged from building a tower while blindfolded to matching rows of numbers by color and number as quickly as possible. Students also had time for personal reflection through the book of Philippians. At the end of the trip students sat in a circle and had a debriefing session about what aspects were learned on the trip that pertained to BJA. Student leaders appreciated the opportunity to ask the faculty and staff why the Academy does certain things and to hear their input.
The weekend at the Wilds with friends and fellow believers was definitely a refreshing start to begin the school year, and the student body is excited to see what God has in store for the 2014-2015 school year. Additional leadership mini-workshops will be held each semester for these student leaders and for other students interested in attending.
By Ashlyn Huffman, Triangle Editor
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