Have you noticed students assisting with carline or ever wondered who helps shelve all those books in the elementary school library? The answer is the Christian Service Organization – affectionately known as CSO. Fifth and sixth grade students are nominated by teachers to join CSO based on character and academics. Once approved by the CSO directors and the administration, these students serve in a number of roles as they develop leadership abilities. Fifth grade CSO students assist in the library in the mornings before school starts. They check in and shelve books and assist with other library projects. Sixth grade students serve in carline helping students exit and enter cars. They also coordinate flag raising, assist in classroom projects, and assume other responsibilities throughout the year. As part of learning leadership skills, students are challenged to be servants to those around them – just as Christ was a servant-leader. We appreciate our CSO students and look forward to seeing how God will continue to use them this year and in the future.
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