Juniors will take the Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery (ASVAB) on Wednesday, October 11, beginning at 8 a.m. This three-hour test was originally developed by the Department of Defense to assist in determining qualification for enlistment. Although the test is administered by the military, our students’ scores will not be accessed by the military unless a parent chooses to opt in. If you would like your junior student’s scores to be made available to the military, please contact the academic office by Monday, October 2. Unfortunately, those who do not opt in but later want the military to have the scores will need to retake the test.
Testing covers both broad and more narrow areas. The broader areas are verbal, math, and science and technical skills. The more narrow areas are general science, arithmetic reasoning, word knowledge, paragraph comprehension, mathematics knowledge, electronics information, auto and shop information, and mechanical comprehension.
Students will also take an interest inventory called Find Your Interests (FYI). Once students receive results from both tests they will be able to plug the results into online career exploration tools that can help as they explore possible college majors.
This test is not a pass/fail test. Instead, it provides an opportunity to explore careers that may be a good fit based on the results of aptitude and interest testing. To prepare for the test students should simply get a good night’s sleep and eat a nutritious breakfast.
We plan to give juniors an overview booklet ahead of the testing, which students can review with their parents to better understand this test.
Juniors taking dual-credit courses that meet during the testing time will choose either to take the ASVAB or to go to the dual credit class. These students and their parents have already been contacted.
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