Nearly two years ago, we were saddened by the sudden, untimely death of Miss Kim Bierman, our BJA German teacher. Today, I am happy to announce that the Bierman outdoor chessboard located in the Academy Quadrangle is nearing completion. It will stand as a memorial to Miss Bierman to testify of her deep love for the Lord and for her active, daily involvement in the lives of our students.
Miss Bierman was much more than a German teacher. Through the years, she taught English, Journalism, Current Events, Speech and even Latin. Her love for the Lord and for her students was obvious from her interaction outside the classroom as a class sponsor and involvement with the Triangle, the speech and debate team, and with the student body programs. She traveled with seniors to the Wilds and to New York to minister to believers and those needing Christ. She was always an example of Christ in everything in which she was involved. And, now, she is with Him.
Miss Bierman had hoped that one day BJA could have an outdoor chessboard like the ones that can be seen throughout Europe—a chessboard that would provide opportunity for student fellowship and mental stimulation. Her dream has become a reality through memorial gifts and the diligent work of students raising funds for this Academy Advancement Project. Over $11,000 has been raised for this project. Thank you to all who have had a part.
We miss Miss Bierman, but we will be reminded of her each time we see the chessboard. The chess pieces are not yet here, and there are still a few landscaping details to be attended to; but in the very near future we will witness the opening moves of the first match. No doubt, as we do, we will be remembering the testimony of Miss Bierman.
Thank you, Kim, for your example in your life and in your death.
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