This week we held our first BJA Briefing! If you missed it, we hope that you will be able to attend the next monthly meeting, which will be held on Wednesday, October 3, at 7:45 a.m. in the Academy Auditorium (at the high school).
So, what exactly is a BJA Briefing? In short, it is an opportunity for us to share with you what is happening at BJA and a chance for you to tell us what is on your mind.
Not knowing how many to expect this past Wednesday because it was our first briefing, we were pleased to have about twenty-five parents plus administrators and teachers in attendance. For the first twenty minutes, four administrators gave an overview of what is happening at the Academy. I began by welcoming those in attendance, gave an overview of the meeting, and some start-of-school statistics.
Esther White, assistant administrator, then described the new Sycamore school information system and how it has simplified academic communication. She also talked about the parent ambassador program implemented this year to welcome new families.
Larry Hunt, secondary principal, reminded us of the high school parents’ night next Monday; the resource site for parents, teachers, and students; the Teachers for Tomorrow dual credit class; and talked about the middle school robotics course and club.
Jenny Copeland, elementary principal, announced a number of the upcoming elementary school events including Public Defenders Day, Muffins with Moms, Donuts with Dads, and Grandparents Day. She also described the new after-school math club.
Following these presentations, parents asked a variety of questions and provided comments on the topics presented. There was a good exchange of ideas and a profitable time had by all. If you missed the briefing this month, we hope to see you next time!
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