For the last six years, Mrs. Anita Sedivy has capably led early education for Bob Jones Academy. She has loved children, guided teachers, counseled parents, and provided professional development for BJA teachers and teachers across the nation. I believe she has memorized the hundreds of DSS rules/regulations to consistently manage the early education facilities and maintain excellent compliance. Next school year, Mrs. Sedivy will be transitioning back into the classroom to teach her first love—mathematics—in the middle school. She will be missed at the PC and CDC. We greatly appreciate Mrs. Sedivy’s work in overseeing our littlest students and our Primary Center and CDC faculty and staff these past six years.
We are excited to welcome Mrs. Melodye Snyder as the assistant principal for early education starting at the close of this school year. Mrs. Snyder is no stranger to BJA. She graduated from BJU with a degree in elementary education and has taught at the Primary Center for 27 years. Her roles have included teaching first grade, tutoring in the area of reading, and teaching K4 for the past 13 years. She and her husband Greg have two daughters, Rebecca and Margaret. Melodye enjoys spending time with her family, baking, and reading. Mrs. Snyder will oversee the Primary Center (K3–K5).
Renee Krepfle, who has served as the CDC building coordinator, will assume more responsibility as the CDC director. She is well known by those who have had children under her care, and she will continue to lead the child development center with excellence.
Mrs. Sedivy, Mrs. Snyder, and Mrs. Krepfle, thank you for your service and welcome to your new roles!
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