French I
Teaches basic vocabulary and grammar in a functional context; teaches practical content, such as greetings, asking and answering simple questions to meet survival needs, ordering food, traveling, and relating the Gospel in a simple manner. Divides class time among grammatical explanation, drill and application of concepts to simulate real-life situations.
French II
Expands on the foundation laid in French I while strengthening the comprehension of the spoken and written language. Studies include compound tenses and the subjunctive mode. Explores French literature, francophone countries around the world, dialects and music.
Spanish I
Introduces the Spanish language and culture. Develops a novice proficiency through communication activities within the themes of the school, the home, the community, and the world. Teaches Spanish culture, from architecture to life in the cities to quinceañera parties. Develops global fluency through a Christian worldview.
Spanish II
Reviews novice language skills and introduces basic intermediate skills. Teaches the basic past tenses by discussing personal experiences, Spanish history, and short literary works. Explores cultural topics such as the history of Spain and traditional festivals. Encourages students to practice using Spanish as a tool for community engagement. Develops global fluency through a Christian worldview.
Dual Credit
Languages available to satisfy BJA requirements: Chinese, French, German, Greek (New Testament), and Spanish
Parameters to keep in mind:
- Check class hours since some of these classes meet across 2 BJA class hours
- A placement test is required.
- Similar content cannot be repeated for credit; for those who have taken a BJA course:
- After Spanish I: begin with Elementary Spanish II (Spn 142) or higher
- After Spanish II: begin with Intermediate Spanish I (Spn 241) or higher
- After French I: begin with Elementary French II (Frn 102) or higher
- After French II: begin with Intermediate French I (Frn 201) or higher