Algebra I/Honors
Introduces basic algebraic concepts, including real number subsets and operations, polynomial operations and factoring, solving equations (linear, radical, rational and quadratic), solving word problems, and graphing lines, functions and inequalities.
Honors course moves at an accelerated pace and goes further, including instruction in graphing and TI-BASIC programming. Enrichment topics include mathematical careers, history of mathematics, and problem solving using the American Mathematics Contest format.
- Required for Algebra 1: TI-30XIIS calculator
- Required for honors: TI-83 or TI-84 graphing calculator
Algebra I: General
Reviews basic computations and introduces algebraic concepts. Includes content similar to Algebra I but maintains a slower pace. Utilizes manipulatives for a more concrete understanding of concepts.
- TI-30XIIS calculator required
Algebra II/Honors
Reviews elementary algebra with an emphasis on solving equations and graphing functions. Expands to include solving and graphing higher degree, complex, rational, radical, exponential, and trigonometric equations and functions. Integrates models of real-world problems.
Honors course moves at an accelerated pace and goes further. Emphasizes solving and graphing of linear and quadratic equations, inequalities, and systems. Covers operations with radicals, imaginary numbers, polynomials, exponents, functions and rational expressions. Introduces trigonometry, logarithms, matrices, conic sections, and probability. Integrates models of real-world problems.
- Required for both levels: TI-83 or TI-84 graphing calculator
Algebra II: General
Reviews elementary algebra with an emphasis on solving equations and graphing functions. Takes an overview approach to the introduction of systems of equations, rational expressions, complex numbers, conic sections and trigonometry. De-emphasizes abstract concepts, derivations and word problems. Stresses concrete models.
- TI-30XIIS calculator required
Teaches an appreciation of the attributes of our great God and teaches logical thinking skills using the medium of Euclidean plane and solid geometry. Includes topics such as proofs, logic, area, volume, GeoGebra explorations, trigonometry and transformations.
Honors course moves at an accelerated pace and includes the introduction of more complex topics through varied presentations and media. Uses practice problems that are selectively chosen and tailored for mathematically advanced students.
- Required for both levels: TI-30XIIS, TI-83 graphing, or TI-84 graphing calculator
Geometry: General
Teaches an appreciation of the attributes of our great God and teaches logical thinking skills using the medium of Euclidean plane and solid geometry. Includes topics such as logic, area, volume, trigonometry, and transformations. This course is tailored in it’s complexity, scope, and pacing to accommodate differentiated learners and offers more individualized help and more frequent review.
- TI-30XIIS, TI-83 graphing or TI-84 graphing calculator required
Precalculus & Intro to Calculus/Honors
Precalculus (1st semester) introduces a study of algebraic (polynomial, rational, radical) and transcendental (trigonometric, exponential, logarithmic) functions and equations. Introduction to Calculus (2nd semester) studies complex numbers and vectors, polar coordinates and equations, conic sections, matrix algebra, statistics, sequences, and limits with an introduction to the two main concepts of calculus (derivatives and integrals).
Honors course moves at a quicker pace and utilizes challenging assessment questions to allow students to master content.
- Required for both levels: TI-83 or TI-84 graphing calculator
Probability and Statistics
Focuses on conceptual understanding and practical applications that captivate students and prepare them to use statistics in college and in real-world situations. Students will utilize both print and on-line resources for learning and instruction.
- TI-30XIIS calculator required
Dual Credit
Students must complete Algebra I, Geometry, and Algebra II in order to take any dual credit math course. Some math courses require an ACT Math score as a prerequisite; juniors lacking an ACT score should see the academic office to request placement.
- Ma 200 Calculus I (Prerequisite: Intro to Calculus; for a student who took regular rather than honors, the student’s teacher must also give a recommendation; also required: ACT Math 31+, SAT 730, or Ma 105 placement)