Physical Science/Honors
Covers the definition and measurement of matter, introductory chemistry and basic physics, along with atomic theory, the periodic table, acids and bases, motion, and energy. Focuses on the relationship between science and everyday life. Introduces hands-on labs emphasizing qualitative analysis.
Honors course goes further, focusing on observation and problem solving and following lab experiments with logical, quantitative analysis of the data.
- Requirement: TI-30X IIS, TI-83 or TI-84 calculator

Introduces the general biological topics, such as the definition of life, biochemistry, cell structure and function, biotechnology, genetics, and creation/evolution. Surveys the organisms in the living kingdoms. Discusses ecological principles and their relation to a Christian position. Includes a study of basic human anatomy and physiology and scriptural topics dealing with the human body, mind, and soul. Emphasizes the biological and scriptural topics needed for a Christian to make wise, science-related life decisions.
Honors course goes further, emphasizing critical thinking and problem-solving skills in relation to scientific data and observation.
- Prerequisite: Physical Science; for Honors, Physical Science: Honors or teacher recommendation
Introduces the fundamental characteristics of matter as well as an overview of related fields. Surveys the foundational ideas behind atomic structure and bonding, limited stoichiometry, nomenclature, kinetic theory, solutions, equilibrium, thermochemistry, acid-based chemistry, organic chemistry, biochemistry, and nuclear chemistry. Focuses on the relationship between chemistry and everyday life and identifies the marvels of design in creation.
Honors course goes further, increasing the level of mathematical analysis, covering oxidation reduction reactions and modern materials, and stressing applications of chemistry.
- Prerequisite: Biology; for Honors, Biology: Honors or teacher recommendation
- Recommendation: have already taken or be concurrently enrolled in Algebra II
- Requirement for regular chemistry: non-programmable calculator (e.g. TI-30X IIS)
- Requirement for honors: TI-30X IIS or better calculator
Physics: Honors
First semester focuses on motion, vector analysis, and forces. Second semester investigates energy, sound, thermodynamics, fluids, magnetism, electricity, optics, and modern physics. Presents topics conceptually through observation of physical phenomena and mathematical analysis. Demonstrations, laboratory activities and self-directed applications promote problem-solving skills. Seeks to cultivate a mindset of using physics to promote human flourishing as well as understanding everyday physical phenomena. Fosters an appreciation and awe for God’s wisdom and power as displayed throughout creation.
- Recommendation: TI-83 or TI-84 graphing calculator
- Prerequisites: Algebra I, Geometry, and Chemistry
- May take Algebra II concurrently